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Our Vision

At Emmanuel, our vision is to be a church that loves God, loves one another and loves the world. Simple, yet profound. It comes, of course, from the words of Jesus who told us that the Christian life is all about this (Matthew 22:37-39). All that we do as a church is shaped by a desire to become a people who strive towards this great calling. We want to build our lives around a deep love for God. He must be everything to us. We want to be a place of genuine love for one another, where we carry one another's burdens and spur one another on to live for Jesus. And we want this to spill over into a sincere love for the world around. We want to serve our community  and hold out the life-giving message of hope in Jesus Christ.

Our Values

Values are those things that matter most to us; what we treasure and live by; those principles that describe who we are. There are twelve values that we seek to live up to:


  1. A God-glorifying church - all that we do is for God's glory.

  2. A Christ-centred church - all that we are revolves around Jesus.

  3. A gospel-driven church - our world needs to know that Jesus Christ is Lord.

  4. A Bible-shaped church - the bible is our ultimate authority in all things.

  5. A prayer-saturated church - prayer expresses a real relationship with the God we love.

  6. A community-orientated church - we are in this together and there for one another. 

  7. A family-friendly church - this is a home for families of all shapes and sizes. 

  8. A maturity-focussed church - we all want to grow to be more like Christ.

  9. A culturally-relevant church - we always want God's word to be communicated clearly.

  10. A socially-concerned church - we can't ignore the brokenness of our world.

  11. A mission-minded church - we are all on mission for the Kingdom.

  12. A ministry-equipping church - we love to learn and grow.


We’re a church of ordinary people trying to live for an extraordinary King. We believe Jesus really is the key to finding hope, joy and purpose. We want nothing more than for others to know him too. For us, church is not an event, but a family. We want to sincerely love one another and partner together in our journey of faith. Everyone is welcome. Come as you are. But expect God to change you for the better through his life-transforming gospel!

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