Our Story
We’re a church of ordinary people trying to live for an extraordinary King. We believe Jesus really is the key to finding hope, joy and purpose. We want nothing more than for others to know him too. For us, church is not an event, but a family. We want to sincerely love one another and partner together in our journey of faith. Our bigger family identity is tied to REACH South Africa, a denomination with Anglican roots and a gospel heart.
Our Sunday services are at 08:15 and 10:00. At each gathering, we'll sing, we'll pray, we'll read from the bible and we'll hear a message from God's word. At both services (08:15 starting in term 3, 2023), we have a specially tailored children's programme for kids up to grade 7. We all start together in the auditorium, before the kids leave for their programme about 15 minutes later. After the service, there is plenty of time to catch up with old friends or meet new ones over a cup of great coffee.
It’s always great to have guests join us, so why not come along to one of our Sunday services? Everyone is welcome. Come as you are. But expect God to change you for the better through his life-transforming word!